Oregon Coast Senior Session {Megan}
I absolutely love school senior sessions and Oregon Coast senior sessions are the best. I had a blast with Megan and her friends for a joint day of senior sessions at the coast. We had a perfect late summer evening in Cannon Beach, the best light, awesome friends, and their moms whom I adore. Low tide was in our favor this evening as well. It felt like one of those magical summer sunsets.
Megan is such a natural in front of the camera and she made the session so easy and so fun. I have loved getting to know this beautiful, strong, talented girl over the years and I am excited to see what the future holds for her.
Megan is a talented gymnast and has been participating in gymnastics for over a decade. I loved joining her and her mom at the gymnastics studio for another session, a completely different vibe than the Oregon Coast session. Take a look at all of those awards, which are just a fraction of the awards Megan has won over the years! Watching her in her element was incredible.
Heidi Heaphy Photography is currently booking 2024 senior sessions at the Oregon Coast, in the greater Portland area, elsewhere in the Pacific Northwest, or beyond! I love it when seniors showcase the things that make them unique during their session. Bring your sports equipment, your musical instrument, your books, your fashion, and anything that makes you YOU. Want me to join you at your dance studio your football field, your basketball court, or your swimming pool? Want to hike to a waterfall, wade in a river, or run in the ocean? I’m up for all of it!
Contact me soon to book your high school session. The high school yearbook deadlines approach quickly, so I’m looking at you, Class of 2025!